Celebrating a special date such as an anniversary can be made more personal with a custom gift. You can show your appreciation by creating a one-of-a-kind pin.
What are anniversary lapel pins? There are many types of anniversaries. A few examples include work, community, patriotic, and relationship dates, which take place yearly and represent a significant event. Items designed to celebrate these dates can consist of anything, but pins are both beautiful and easy to personalize.
There are many generic anniversary theme pins that you can purchase from gift stores, either online or in person. However, personalized enamel pins show that time and energy went into creating the perfect thoughtful gift for the particular person or event. This page will explain the various types of anniversaries you can commemorate with a lovely lapel pin.
Select dates, including anniversaries, are usually celebrated once a year, but there are some relationship dates that do not follow this reliable pattern. That includes week, one month, and six-month anniversaries for people in new relationships. Below are some common anniversaries and how they can be improved by adding a generic or custom lapel pin.
Many workplace departments give out pins or other memorabilia to mark special occasions in the career of distinguished employees. This can include five years, ten years, and twentieth-anniversary pins or other small items. Sometimes pins are given to all employees to celebrate the company as an entity achieving some anniversary such as being 50 years old.
A few examples of lapel pins for employees include.
Wedding anniversaries are significant events, and the great thing about them is that you can choose very personal images, words, or symbols for your pin that will have meaning for only the two of you. This kind of sentimental individualization will bring more weight to your gift so that even if it small, it will be memorable and much loved. Some popular symbols for anniversary pins include the word “Anniversary” and the year inside an infinity, heart, or couple’s silhouette.
Dating anniversaries are fun hut there are fewer generic pins already available for buying, so you will probably need to create your own. This is a straightforward process and does not require a lot of artistic skill. All you need is an idea of what colors and shapes your girlfriend, boyfriend, or partner appreciates and incorporate it into a design to make your anniversary dates even more special.
Many communities, especially those found in smaller towns, have anniversaries to remember events that have taken place over the years. This can include important milestones such as the 50th and 100th anniversaries of the city or however many years since a unique event took place within its borders. These pins can make great fundraiser pieces or gifts for attendees to commemorative events.
There are a few common anniversary themes and symbols that you can use when coming up with your own take on the design. They include the following.
For community lapel pins, an image of the town hall or other historically significant town symbol is common. Workplace celebratory pins are usually tied to the logo or company motto. Simple themes are generally best.
Your choice of pins and pin backings will determine the appearance and how well it will work as a gift. For example, if you are looking to get an employee a commemorative lapel pin as a way to thank them for five years of dedicated and loyal service, then you will want to get them something they can easily and proudly wear at work. For this purpose, a magnetic backing might be best because it will not leave holes in their nice work clothes, and it will keep the fabric from bunching up around the pin.
You will want to look at all of the material options and features we have that can be used to create your custom pin. You can choose how many enamel paint colors and layers to use, which type of metals, and what backing out of the many available options will be exactly right for the pin you want us to make for you.
You can make a pin look like anything by designing the look and choosing the right materials. If you do not feel comfortable creating your own design, you can shop around online for ideas and then commission someone to make the art for you. All we require is a digital image that can be uploaded, and then our technicians will take care of the rest.
Once you have your perfect designed ready to upload, then all you have to do is choose your pin features. For anyone unfamiliar with what we have to offer, you can find out more on this customization page. Our online order process makes it quick and easy to create the perfect anniversary gift.
Anniversaries take place at the same time every year, which makes it easier to plan for when to order custom pins so that they will arrive with plenty of time to spare. Due to COVID-19 delays, the shipment can take longer to arrive, so it is best if you can make the order four to six weeks in advance. If you find yourself needing a rush delivery, our dedicated team can accommodate you so that you can share a memorable anniversary with your friends, coworkers, or loved ones.